SINGER – Sing who is gifted with song
or the thing with the e-bass and the knitting machine
The Singer is one of the company’s premium models. It has the typical Le Fay shape and is made of top-quality woods in sandwich construction. The soundboard consists of decorative maple, which is elastic and sturdy but at the same time hard. For the back, Le Fay uses finest Sapeli mahogany in a deep reddish brown colour.
The neck is also made of maple, has Le Fay’s own “Carbon Inside” technology and is glued to the body. The fingerboard, which is available with 22 or 24 frets, is made of exquisite palisander, and the standard version already comes with the “Premium” fretwork.
“We built the first Singer in 2007,” Reiner recalls. “We still call this model Singer Progenitor today. Back then we came up with the idea of building an instrument with a body based on the original Herr Schwarz.
The Singer was to have more components to make it a premium bass. The instrument was designed with a different wood constellation: a maple soundboard, mahogany back, and it was to have a glued-in maple neck.
Whereas the fingerboard of the Singer Progenitor still consisted of ebony, Reiner and Meik decided to use palisander for the serial production. Le Fay has a wide selection of beautiful palisander fingerboards, which are all registered at the State Office of Agriculture, Environment and Regional Areas, of course. This ensures there are no problems when exporting or playing these luxurious bases anywhere in the world.
For the company it’s a matter of course that every Le Fay bass with CITES-listed woods is delivered with all the necessary documents.
How does SINGER sound?
You get SINGER as:
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The gallery still stops when your cursor is on the photo. Great, isn’t it?
That the gallery stops, you know now...
A nice anecdote from Le Fay’s history explains how the name Singer came about:
“In the cellar of our parents’ house, which was directly next door to our workshop, we found a really old piece of mahogany. It was the work surface of a table on which our mother’s knitting machine was mounted for many years: we too had to suffer having to wear scratchy, home-knitted clothes when we were kids. But we won’t hear a single word said against our mother. She raised six children – an amazing woman!
Anyway, this work surface was exactly enough for the back of our new bass. We had to work our way around the existing screw holes, but it fitted. The said knitting machine was from an excellent German company, famous for its knitting machines: Singer! So the name for our new bass was already clear,” Reiner reminisces.
During the development stage of the Singer is when the new head-plate was created that would later become the typical head-plate for this model.
Meik says, “Having the same head-plate for all our instruments is probably a good way of adding to their recognisability and good for the branding. But it doesn’t do justice to our idea of aesthetics. Because the Singer exudes more elegance than its outline brother Herr Schwarz and a bass needs a head-plate that really suits it. The Singer head-plate was totally different to the previous head-plates Le Fay had used so far and continuously evolved.”
“If you change even just one tiny curve, it immediately has a huge effect on the rest of the instrument. That’s why over the years the original Singer head-plate evolved into various other head-plates that can now also be found on some of our other instruments, such as the Pulse and the Rob. But here too, always adapted to the respective aesthetics of the instrument in question,” Reiner explains.
Le Fay describes the sound qualities of the Singer bass as elegant, due to the selection of different woods. To them the Herr Schwarz is “nastier” and rocky.
So, which bass is best suited to you is a question of your own personal taste. They’re both really great instruments!
You’ve already found your favourite? Then contact Le Fay directly or get in touch with a Le Fay dealer and try out your bass. You’ll be amazed!