REMINGTON STEELE - The world’s best fretless bass?
Remington Steele was an American TV series, starring Pierce Brosnan and produced from 1982 to 1987. The Remington Steele, one of the premium models from the luxury range of basses from Le Fay has absolutely nothing to do with that. It didn’t make a guest appearance in the show nor did Pierce ever pluck the strings. Phew, that was close. :-)
The Remington Steele from Le Fay is the ultimate fretless machine. It has a radical, power-optimized shape and is made of top-quality American cherrywood, which is not only firm and hard but also elastic, and thus ideal for the production of our e-basses.
The neck with a scale length of 86.4 cm (34 inches) consists of fine padouk.
The extra-long stainless steel fingerboard offers 27 (yes, twenty-seven) fret positions, which makes the heart of every fingerboard acrobat jump for joy. The splendid stainless steel layer makes the fingerboard indestructible. Le Fay has been using this material since 1999 and there have never been any problems. “You might be able to leave a few traces of use on the fingerboard in the form of micro-scratches, but that’s all,” says Meik.
How does REMINGTON STEELE sound?
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The unusual outline, which gives bassists playing a solo easy access to the 27th fret, makes the body of the Remington Steele unique and the playability of this fretless bass a real joy.
“When making the body, the front cutaway and the end of the leg rest allow for bevels,” Meik explains. “A curve is round and a bevel is flat, like on a diamond. Nothing would be easier than to work on the edges with a moulding cutter and then to sand them down a little.” But this simplified way of working wouldn’t look good in the end product and is thus out of the question for Le Fay for aesthetic reasons.
“Wherever playing comfort is required, the curves on all Le Fay basses have a larger diameter. However, it becomes smaller and smaller in places where the body becomes more filigree.
The unusual outline of the Remington Steele even makes it possible to allow the curve to seamlessly meet a bevel. “Bringing home” these contours to the final instrument despite all the various sanding stages is quite a challenge in terms of our sanding skills.
We love these details, because they do justice to a luxury bass from Le Fay, and we love what we do!” says Meik.
The unique Remington Steele is a very versatile fretless e-bass of world-class quality. It’s easy to intonate and doesn’t sound metallic whatsoever. Instead it sounds broad, fat, and rich in overtones, and can do much more than traditional fretless tasks. For example, dampened hit sounds rear right up as if by magic. If you also want to add effects, you will embark on a breath-taking journey with your Remington Steele.
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You want the Remington Steele? Then contact Le Fay directly or get in touch with one of the Le Fay dealers and try out your Remington Steele. You will be spellbound!
By the way:
Niklas Lukassen, drawn by Tzuting Tsai |